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Naomi Newman on Deena Metzger

“Each one of us is living a story.”

Deena Metzger has spent a lifetime investigating Story as a form of knowing and healing. She has taught and counseled for over fifty years, developing therapies (Healing Stories) which creatively address physical, spiritual and emotional crises, as well as environmental disintegration. Her longtime friend and collaborator, Naomi Newman, calls Deena a visionary and a prophet. Watch the video and witness for yourself — their deep, long and loving friendship is a testament to the gifts of Wise Women.


Naomi Newman

Before co-founding A Traveling Jewish Theatre, Ms Newman was a concert singer, television actor, improvisational theater director, and psychotherapist.

For over three decades with ATJT she changed hats between director, playwright, and performer, winning awards in each field. For her contributions to the cultural life in the Bay Area, Ms Newman has received a Tikkun Award*, Mill Valley Creative Achievement Award, and Theatre Bay Area’s Community Leadership Award. A book containing an oral history of her life and career is now part of the Legacy Collection of The S.F. Performing Arts Museum.

Featured Woman

Deena Metzger

Deena Metzger is an American writer, healer, and teacher whose work spans multiple genres including the novel, poetry, non-fiction, and plays.

Her novel La Negra y Blanca won the 2012 Oakland Pen Award for Literature. She first introduced and convened Daré, monthly gatherings for community and individual healing in 1999 and then ReVisioning Medicine in 2004. Metzger is known her image in Hella Hamid’s 1977 photograph, sometimes referred to as “The Warrior,” or “Tree” poster, in which the post-mastectomy Metzger stands in a celebratory pose