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Laurel Ollstein on Jerrie Cobb

“She kept going even though every door was shutting.”

Laurel Ollstein discusses the intrepid Jerrie Cobb, an ace pilot who dreamed of becoming an astronaut. Despite out-performing many men Jerrie was prevented from competing for a spot in the original space program by Congress and Lyndon Johnson, who put an end to the idea of Lady Astronauts. At least for a time. But even this couldn’t keep Jerrie from flying. Check out this poignant story.  


Laurel Ollstein

Laurel, a Produced playwright; over 15 years teaching arts/writing/design at the University level is a writer, director and teacher, thrilled to be a part of Look What She Did!



Featured Woman

Jerrie Cobb

Jerrie Cobb was a pilot who, by many accounts, should have been the first woman in space.